Sunday, February 28, 2010

Photographs of the event

Over the three days a variety of photographs were taken of delegates and here is a web link to the site.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Business Engagement in Education

Nora Senior, Vice Chair Scottish Chamber of Commerce, gave an outline of the role of the Scottish Chamber of Commerce and presented the advantages of business in engaging with education in schools and to increase its involvement.
Presentation on Slideshare

The Role of Small Business in an Enterprising Nation

Prof.Sara Carter OBE ,Professor of Entrepreneurshi and Head of Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship presented the internatinal delegates with an insight into the role of small businesses in the economic development and they are now the backbone of Scottish economy.
Presentation on Facebook

An Enterprising Local Authority

Terry Lanagan, Executive Director of Educational Services West Dunbartonshire Council, gave an insight into how his local authority are developing a strategy for enterprise within the Curriculum for Excellence

Presentation on Slideshare

Monday, November 16, 2009

Opening Up Excellence Through Enterprise

Graham Donaldson, HMIe - Senior Adviser explained the awareness to the delegates of the changing landscape in education and economic development that had been happening over the past 15 years in Scotland. Today we were living in an interdependent global society and enterprise was happening in many countries and not just in Scotland. Graham Donaldson emphasised that leadership itself is about enterprise - it is at the heart of the education model - it is not a role but a way of behaving for all leaders.
He highlighted several publications that have appeared over the past several years and how they impacked on supporting enterprise in education.
Improving Enterprise in Education
Building the Curriculum 4 - Skills for learning, skills for work, skills for life.
Skills for Scotland
Working Out - report on work related learning

Presentation on Slideshare

Pupils coast with enterprise

Pupils from schools across Scotland are gearing up to welcome 100 international delegates to Edinburgh for the start of a three day international conference on Monday (16 November) to showcase Scotland’s comprehensive approach and commitment to enterprise in education.
The delegates, who will be attending from as far afield as Estonia, Nigeria and the United States, will be presented with Saltire coasters designed and produced by Scotland’s Most Enterprising Special School. Carrongrange secondary school in Larbert, Falkirk, received the accolade at this year’s Scottish Education Awards in recognition of their enterprising approach to learning and teaching.

Programme for Monday 16 Nov

A varied programme has been prepared for the delegates over the first day.

1.An Enterprising Nation Fiona Hyslop MSP
Cabinet Secretary Education and Lifelong Learning

2.Opening Up Excellence Through Enterprise Graham Donaldson
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education-Senior Chief Inspector

3.An Enterprising Curriculum Terry Lanagan
Executive Director of Educational Services West Dunbartonshire Council

Break for networking and refreshments

4.The Economics of Enterprise EducationRt Hon Lord Smith of Kelvin
Chairman of the Weir Group

5.The Role of Small Business in an Enterprising Nation. Prof.Sara Carter OBE
Professor of Entrepreneurship, Head of Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship

6.Business Engagement Nora Senior
Vice Chair Scottish Chamber of Commerce


Afternoon Session - series of 20 workshops for delegates to choose from.